Results for "GAGE"



Top-level pages

  • Pathway Analysis

    ...sio, KEGG, NCI, Stringdb, Amigo, WebGestalt ,ConsensusPathDB ,GSEA,Blast2go Popular R based tools: Reactome.db, ReactomePA, ClusterProfiler, Gage, SPIA, topGO, Pathview,DOSE,G...

    3537 days ago


  • RNA-Seq Data Pathway and Gene-set Analysis Workflows

    It describe the GAGE (Luo et al., 2009) /Pahview (Luo and...ysis and gene-set analysis. The gage package (2.12.0) now includes...Cufflinks, and feed the results into GAGE/Pahview for pathway analysis...;3-4 would be the same. Please check gage and pathview vigenttes for de...

    3875 days ago