Results for "RNA"


  • Rolf Backofen Lab

    The research interest of this group include constraint programming, structure prediction in simplified protein models, investigation of protein energy landscapes, detection of RNA sequence/structure motifs, prediction and evaluation of alternative splice forms, description and detection of regula...

    Tags: Gremany, Freiburg, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, RNA

    3969 days ago

  • Vvek's Lab

    Broad Area of Research: RNA biology (microRNA, lncRNA), Stem cells, Functional genomics, Epigenomics and Cancer RNAs, especially non-coding RNAs (such as microRNA, long ncRNAs) are recently identified to be very abundant in mammalian organisms and play some key roles in gene expression regulat...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, RNA, Cancer, microRNA, Stem Cell, Functional Genomics, lncRNA, Bibekanand Mallick, NIIT, Odisha, India

    3903 days ago

  • The Graveley Lab

    Research in the Graveley lab is primarily focused on the regulation of alternative splicing and small RNA mediated gene regulation. These are fascinating and extraordinarily important mechanisms by which genes can be regulated. Our long-term goals are to understand how these processes are regulat...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, RNA, RNAi, smallRNA, Stem Cell, Functional Genomics, Alternative splicing

    3849 days ago

  • LAPTI Lab

    The main theme of our research is the understanding of how genetic information is decoded from DNA into RNA and proteins. Someone may find this topic a little strange and argue that we already know how this is happening. Translational recoding. RNA editing. Evolution of the genetic cod...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics, RNA, Protein, Ireland

    3826 days ago

  • Roderic Guigó Lab

    Research in our group focuses on the investigation of the signals involved in gene specification in genomic sequences (promoter elements, splice sites, translation initiation sites, etc…). We are interested both in the mechanism of their recognition and processing, and in their evolution. In addi...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics, RNAseq, NGS, Chromatin, RNA, Cancer, CRG, Roderic Guigó

    3563 days ago

  • MIT Computational Biology Group

    My research group consists primarily of computer science graduate students and postdocs with expertise in algorithms, statistical inferences and machine learning, and sharing a passion for understanding fundamental biological problems. We work in a highly interdisciplinary environment at the i...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics, RNAseq, NGS, Chromatin, RNA, Manolis Kellis, Chromosome, ENCODE

    3455 days ago

  • Chekulaevalab

    Focusing on understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate mRNA translation, localization and stability and role of non-coding RNAs in this process. Up to 90% of human DNA is estimated to be transcribed into so called non-coding RNAs that are not translated into proteins. Many of them act a...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, RNA, non-coding, neurological disorders, Marina Chekulaeva

    3065 days ago

  • Hoffman Lab

    They develop machine learning techniques to better understand chromatin biology. These models and algorithms transform high-dimensional functional genomics data into interpretable patterns and lead to new biological insight.

    Tags: Bioinformatics, RNA, non-coding, functional genomics, chromatin biology, algorithms, Michael Hoffman

    3065 days ago

  • Salzberg lab

    We are a computational biology lab that develops novel methods for analysis of DNA and RNA sequences. Our research includes software for aligning and assembling RNA-seq data, whole-genome assembly, and microbiome analysis. We work closely with biomedical scientists to apply these methods to curre...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Steven, Salzberg, Lab, DNA, RNA, Assembly, Software, Mircobiome, NGS, Alignment, Genome

    2576 days ago