Results for "PA"


  • Simulate the reads !

    ...or # part of BBTools/BBMap https://so...gz \ illuminanames=t addslash=t \ pacbio=t pbmin=0.13 pbmax=0.17 \...nanames=t addslash=t \ coverage=30 paired=t maxinsert=550 mininsert...# make 30x haploid coverage for PacBio CLR reads # error rate f...

    985 days ago

  • Installing Covid19 Environment !

    ...Downloading and Extracting Packages sqlite-3.36.0 |...################### | 100% spades-3.15.3 | 48.0 MB...########### | 100% perl-xml-parser-2.44 | 165 KB | ######...########### | 100% configargparse-1.5.3 | 32 KB | ######...

    980 days ago

  • Install MySQL on Ubuntu !

    ...r follow the steps below: First, update the apt package index by typing: sudo apt update #Then install the MySQL package with the following comma...tication method from auth_socket to mysql_native_password. You can do that by run...

    976 days ago

  • Install Php on Ubuntu / Apache server !

    #Installing PHP 7.2 with Apache #If you are using Apache as your web server to install PHP and Apache PHP module run the following command: sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php #Once the packages are installed restart the Apache service: sudo systemctl restart apache2

    976 days ago

  • Bash script to simulate a genome !

    .../33 # Use Drosophila melongaster PacBio assembly cd /genetics/el...rate, max indels=20bp # part of BBTools/BBMap https://so...tics/elbers/bin/seqtk/seqtk seq -L0|paste - - |grep -P "haplo_0\t"|...nanames=t addslash=t \ coverage=30 paired=t maxinsert=550 mininsert...

    975 days ago

  • Remove Apache2 from Linux !

    #Purge it sudo apt-get purge apache2 #Auto remove sudo apt-get autoremove #Remove sudo rm -rf /etc/apache2 #Try this sudo apt remove apache2.*

    973 days ago

  • Installing manadatory software for websites hosting ! all the installed apt list --installed apt list #Installing Apache #To install Apache, install the latest meta-package apache2 by running: sudo apt update sudo apt install apache2 #Install the mysql-ser...

    973 days ago

  • Installing manadatory software for websites hosting ! all the installed apt list --installed apt list #Installing Apache #To install Apache, install the latest meta-package apache2 by running: sudo apt update sudo apt install apache2 #Install the mysql-ser...

    973 days ago

  • Update Pangolin !

    $ pangolin --update #Major update conda activate pangolin git pull conda env update -f environment.yml pip install . re-installs pangolin.

    959 days ago

  • Awk build in commands !

    ...ords are usually lines. Awk command performs the pattern/action statements once f...record. #FS: FS command contains the field separator character which is used...t line is the input record, the default record separator character is a newline....

    952 days ago