Results for "PE"


  • Install hhsuite using conda !

    ...tion: /home/abhi/anaconda3 added / updated specs: - hhsuite The fo...-----------------------|----------------- _openmp_mutex-4.5 |...following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: _openmp_mutex pkgs/main/linux...

    1002 days ago

  • Downloading mmseqs databases !

    # mmseqs databases Usage: mmseqs databases [options] Name Type Taxonomy Url - UniRef100 Aminoacid yes

    1002 days ago

  • Simulate the reads !

    ...\ ref=GCA_003401745.1_ASM340174v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.fasta.gz \ illumina...\ ref=GCA_003401745.1_ASM340174v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.fasta.gz \ illumina...\ ref=GCA_003401745.1_ASM340174v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.fasta.gz \ illumina...

    988 days ago

  • Perl onliner to check the ids in two files !

    perl -lane 'BEGIN{open(A,"ids2.txt"); while(){chomp; $k{$_}++}} if (defined($k{$F[0]})) {print "$_\t$F[0]\t1"} else {print "$_\tNA\t0"}; ' ids1.txt > aaa.xls

    987 days ago

  • Installing Covid19 Environment !

    ...##################################### | 100% _openmp_mutex-4.5 | 22 KB |...#################################### | 100% pyopenssl-21.0.0 | 48 KB |...####################################### | 100% perl-xml-parser-2.44 | 165 KB...

    983 days ago

  • Install MySQL on Ubuntu !

    ...will start automatically. To check whether the MySQL server is running, type: sudo systemctl status mys..._secure_installation #To log in to the MySQL server as the root user type: sudo mysql #If you want...

    979 days ago

  • Bash script to simulate a genome !

    ...k to convert soft-masked bases to upper-case bases, also compress wi...3401745.1_ASM340174v1_genomic.fna_upper.fasta.gz # Convert...3401745.1_ASM340174v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.fasta.log.txt # g...3401745.1_ASM340174v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.fasta.gz \ illumina...

    977 days ago

  • Install composer for ELGG

    #!/bin/sh EXPECTED_CHECKSUM="$(php -r 'copy("", "ph...UM="$(php -r "echo hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php');")" if [ "$EXPECTED_CHECKSUM" != "$ACTUAL_CHE...

    962 days ago

  • Awk build in commands !

    ...pieces called fields. #NR: NR command keeps a current count of the number of input records. Remember that records are usually lines. Awk command performs the pattern/action stat...

    954 days ago

  • Extract fasta sequences with ids in another file !

    #Ids are in test.txt - one ids per line #sequences are in test.fa grep -w -A 2 -f test.txt test.fa --no-group-separator # seqtk seqtk subseq test.fa test.txt #faSomeRecods faSomeRecords in.fa listFile out.fa # seqkit seqkit grep -n -f list.txt sequences.fas > newfile2.fas

    949 days ago