Results for "NT"


  • Install Jellyfish on Linux !

    ...0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 418 kB of archives. After this operation, 808 kB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y Get:1 http://in...

    1042 days ago

  • Print in terminal with python !

    #!/usr/bin/env python import time import curses def pbar(window): height, width = window.getmaxyx() for i in range(10): window.addstr(height -1, 0, "[" + ("=" * i) + ">" + (" " * (10 - i )) + "]") window.refresh() time.sleep(0.5) curses.wrapper(pbar)

    1039 days ago

  • Python script to read FASTA and FASTQ file !

    ...Args: fasta_q_file (str): Path to FASTA/Q file. """ with FastxFile(fasta_q_file) as fh: for entry in fh: sequence_id = sequence...

    1037 days ago

  • Tadpole is 250x faster than SPADes assembler !

    ...Description: Uses kmer counts to assemble contigs, extend sequences, or er...eters: out= Write contigs (in contig mode) or correc...counts. Much faster but counts will be lower, by up to...nd only partially. This prevents the creation...

    1037 days ago

  • Run multiple bash command in screen !

    #login to screen screen -r 123 srun --partition=compute --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=40 --pty #Run and check the status in screen contol +A +D

    1022 days ago

  • Install Packages in Python

    #Create a conda environment. #Install a Python package in the termina...thon=3.7 $ conda env create -f environment.yml #List Available Conda Environments $ conda env list #Acti...- python=3.7 - matplotlib # Core scientific python - numpy #Lis...

    1022 days ago

  • Commands to Remove White Space In Text Or String Using Awk And Sed In Linux

    ...echo "$text" | sed 's/ //g' OR echo "$text" | awk '{ gsub(/ /,""); print }' Return: | sed 's/[ ]\+/ /g' echo "$text1" | awk '{ gsub(/[ ]+/," "); print }' cat /tmp/test.txt | awk...

    1017 days ago

  • Oneliner to convert lower-case to sequence masked with Ns

    perl -pe '/^[^>]/ and $_=~ s/[a-z]/N/g' genomic.fna > genomic.N-masked.fna awk '{if(/^[^>]/)gsub(/[a-z]/,"N");print $0}' genomic.fna > genomic.N-masked.fna

    1011 days ago

  • Perl script for Smith-Waterman Algorithm

    # Smith-Waterman Algorithm # usage statement die "usage: $0 \n" unless @ARGV == 2; # get sequence...nitialization my @matrix; $matrix[0][0]{score} = 0; $matrix[0][0]{pointer} = "none"; for(my $j = 1;...

    1011 days ago

  • blastpgp arguments !

    blastpgp arguments: -d Database [String]...hreshold for extending hits [Integer] default = 0 -e...flat query-anchored, show identities, 4 = flat query-anchore...le hit 1-pass, 2 for 2-pass [Integer] default = 0 -F...value for final gapped alignment (in bits) [Integer] defa...

    1011 days ago