Results for "pe"


  • Run Pango on your multifasta file !

    ...rayan@hn1 FASTA]$ pangolin Input_for_Cova_all_samples_combined.fa All dependencies satisfied. The query...more info please refer to:

    959 days ago

  • Bowtie2 Mapping !

    ...taset_contig_for_mapping.btindex bowtie2 -x toy_dataset_contig_for_mapping.btindex -f -U toy_dataset_reads_for_mapping.fasta -S toy_dataset_mapped_species1.sam samtools sort toy...

    939 days ago

  • Update conda version !

    ...(current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ## Package Plan ## environment location: /home/Jit/anaconda3 added / updated specs: - conda The foll...

    934 days ago

  • Perl script to rename the fasta file !

    #Script #1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; #USAGE #perl kmerfasta > uniref100_result_broad my %kHash; local $/ = '>'; my $infile2 = "$ARGV[0]"; # Kmer fasta open( FH2, '

    930 days ago

  • Compile CPP to exe

    ...ects/tdm-gcc/ Once you download and install the compiler, you need to open the cmd, navigate to the fol...wFileName" to w/e you want to name each exe file. The exe files will appear in the same folder.

    922 days ago

  • Installing SEVA environment in Conda !

    ...############################################################## | 100% _openmp_mutex-4.5 | 22 KB |...######################################################### | 100% r-reshape2-1.4.4 | 135 KB | ####...

    909 days ago

  • Extract all fasta sequences except ids ! > omi_kmer19.fa #reformat to 19mer in=omi_kmer19.fa out=omi_kmer19_formated.fa fastawrap=19 #Extract and number the kmers perl omi_kmer19_for...

    900 days ago

  • Install Ruby using Conda !

    ...nvironment location: /home/abhi/anaconda3/envs/abhi added / updated specs: - ruby The follo...forge/linux-64::ruby-2.6.6-he592edb_2 The following packages will be SUPERSEDED by a higher-priority ch...

    897 days ago

  • Install mgsc on Ubuntu !

    ...----|----------------- _openmp_mutex-4.5 |..._1 474 KB intel-openmp-2022.0.1 | h06a430...ig-2.12.6-h49f89f6_0 freetype pkgs/main/linux-64:...################## | 100% _openmp_mutex-4.5 | 22 KB |...

    897 days ago

  • bash script to extract sequence by ids !

    Use a Perl one-liner, grep and seqtk subseq to extract the desired fasta sequences: # Create test input: cat > in.fasta BGI_novel_T016313 Solyc03g025570.2.1 TTCAA...

    895 days ago