Results for "B"


  • Perl onliner to print fasta headers !

    #Save all your fasta in seq.fa and run the following ... perl -ne 'print if /^>/' seq.fa #Print header with line number perl -ne 'print "$. $_" if /^>/ ' seq.fa

    1056 days ago

  • Install Bwise using conda !

    ...JitMetaENV) ➜ test_phase_assebly conda install -c bioconda bwise Collecting pack...The following packages will be downloaded: package...da/linux-64::bwise-1.0.0-h2e03b76_1 The following packages...SE will use it. Results will be stored in: /home/urbe/JitSi...

    1050 days ago

  • Commandline for paired end reads simulation with BBMap !

    ...mixedSample git:(main) ✗ /home/urbe/Tools/bbmap/ -ea -Xmx162129m -cp /home/urbe/Tools/bbmap/current/ Executing align2.RandomReads3 [build=1, ref=mixed.fa, out=read...delRate=0.0, max=0, len=(0-0) subRate=0.0, max=0, len=(0-0) nR...

    1050 days ago

  • Commands to transfer files and folder in docker !

    #To copy files between host machine and container (execute the commands on host, not inside container): $ docker cp FILE_OR_FOLDER_ON_HOST CONTAINER_ID:/CONTAINER_DIRECTORY #or $ docker cp CONTAINER_ID:FILE_OR_FOLDER_IN_CONTAINER HOST_DIRECTORY

    1045 days ago

  • Install Jellyfish on Linux ! Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree...e following additional packages will be installed: libjellyfish-2...nd 0 not upgraded. Need to get 418 kB of archives. After this oper....4) ... Processing triggers for doc-base (0.10.8) ... Processing 1...

    1041 days ago

  • Print in terminal with python !

    #!/usr/bin/env python import time import curses def pbar(window): height, width = window.getmaxyx() for i in range(10): window.addstr(height -1, 0, "[" + ("=" * i) + ">" + (" " * (10 - i )) + "]") window.refresh() time.sleep(0.5) curses.wrapper(pbar)

    1038 days ago

  • Python script to read FASTA and FASTQ file !

    # !/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pysam import FastxFile def read_fasta_q_file(fasta_q_file): """Parse FASTA/Q file using `pysam.F...

    1036 days ago

  • Tadpole is 250x faster than SPADes assembler !

    ...s/Vir$ Written by Brian Bushnell Last modified J...howstats=t Print assembly statistics after writing extension lookups. Assembly parameters: mincountseed=3....6 (em2) Alternate ratio between low-depth kmers. error...

    1036 days ago

  • Install Nexflow on Linux !

    # Make sure that Java v8+ is installed: java -version # Install Nextflow curl -fsSL | bash # Add Nextflow binary to your PATH: mv nextflow ~/bin/ # OR system-wide installation: # sudo mv nextflow /usr/local/bin

    1022 days ago

  • Run multiple bash command in screen !

    #login to screen screen -r 123 srun --partition=compute --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=40 --pty #Run and check the status in screen contol +A +D

    1021 days ago