Results for "B"


  • Command line to download blast database / protein

    #download all available nr - protein database as a single file #Database location - NCBI where all databases are available https...nces from GenPept, Swissprot, PIR, PDF, PDB, and NCBI RefSeq #First ru...

    1003 days ago

  • Download desire version of Blast software !

    ...eate a directory and wget it wget #unpacking blast tar -zxvf ncbi-blast-2.6...#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --partition=longjobs #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntas...

    1002 days ago

  • Install hhsuite using conda !

    (base) [abhi@hn1 bin]$ conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda hhsuite Collecting pa...The following packages will be downloaded: package...8pl526h6ed170a_1 26.6 MB bioconda libgomp-9.3.0...s _openmp_mutex-4.5 | 22 KB | #######################...

    1002 days ago

  • Downloading mmseqs databases !

    # mmseqs databases Usage: mmseqs databases [options] Name.../ - UniProtKB/TrEMBL Amino...file - - Pf...s to use it as a valid seqTaxDB will be downloaded and prepar...

    1002 days ago

  • Simulate the reads ! # part of BBTools/BBMap https://sourceforg...uminanames=t addslash=t \ pacbio=t pbmin=0.13 pbmax=0.17 \...reads # part of BBTools/BBMap k=`grep "^best k:" \ kmergenie-illumina-...

    988 days ago

  • Perl onliner to check the ids in two files !

    perl -lane 'BEGIN{open(A,"ids2.txt"); while(){chomp; $k{$_}++}} if (defined($k{$F[0]})) {print "$_\t$F[0]\t1"} else {print "$_\tNA\t0"}; ' ids1.txt > aaa.xls

    987 days ago

  • Installing Covid19 Environment !

    (base) vikas@vikas-Lenovo-ideapad-320-15ISK:~/vinodLab/Genepi$ conda env create -f c...hisat2-2.2.1 | 16.5 MB | #########################...simplejson-3.17.5 | 103 KB | ########################...font-ttf-inconsolata | 94 KB | #######################...

    983 days ago

  • Install MySQL on Ubuntu !

    #Installing MySQL on Ubuntu #To install MySQL on your Ubuntu server follow the steps below: First, update the apt package in...l #To secure MySQL #Run the script by typing: sudo mysql_secure_i...mysql_native_password. You can do that by running the following comman...

    979 days ago

  • Install Php on Ubuntu / Apache server !

    #Installing PHP 7.2 with Apache #If you are using Apache as your web server to install PHP and Apache PHP module run the following command: sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php #Once the packages are installed restart the Apache service: sudo systemctl restart apache2

    979 days ago

  • Bash script to simulate a genome !

    ...Use Drosophila melongaster PacBio assembly cd /genetics/elbers/test/fly2 wget https://ft...genomic.fna.gz # Use BCFtools 1.10.2 and SAMtools 1....sta.log.txt # genome size bgzip -@75 -cd GCA_003401745.1_...r Illumina reads /genetics/elbers/bbmap-38.86/

    977 days ago