Results for "Length"


  • Python script for basic stats of the assembled genome !

    ...r computing statistics total_length = 0 num_contigs = 0 contig_lengths = [] # Iterate through ea...num_contigs += 1 contig_lengths.append(length) # Sort con...cumulative_size = 0 for length in lengths:}") print(f"Maximum Contig Length: {max_contig_length}") print...

    138 days ago

  • Python script to create fastq file with random sequences

    ...m def generate_random_sequence(length): bases = ['A', 'C', 'G'...ndom.choice(bases) for _ in range(length)) def generate_random_qual...m.randint(33, 73)) for _ in range(length)) def generate_fastq_entry..._fastq_file(num_entries, sequence_length, file_path): with open(f...

    8 days ago

  • Python script to calculate basic genome stats !

    ...riables to store genome statistics genome_length = 0 gc_count = 0 a_...sequence = record.seq genome_length += len(sequence) a_c...C content gc_content = (gc_count / genome_length) * 100 if genome_length > 0 e...

    8 days ago