Results for "Bind"


  • BBTools for bioinformatician !

    ...d say, though, that the primer sites identified are based on the normal BBMap scoring, which is not necessarily the same as where the primers would bind naturally, though with highly...

    2322 days ago

  • List of motif discovery tools !

    ...D-footprint -- database of DNA-binding protein structures Find binding specificity information ab...NCHOR -- Prediction of Protein Binding Regions in Disordered Prot...a protein sequence. MultiBind -- Multiple Alignment of Prot...ons mediated by phosphoprotein-binding domains Database speciali...

    2045 days ago


Top-level pages



  • DNA Transcription (Advanced)

    ...the transcription initiation complex... and now it is ready to be activated. The initiation complex requires contact with activator proteins, which bind to specific sequences of DNA...

    3436 days ago