Results for "CDS"


  • Parse a genbank file using regular expressions

    ...print "Organism: $2\n"; } elsif(/(gene)(\s*)(\d*)(\.\.)(\d*)/) { print "Gene length: $5\n"; } elsif (/(CDS\s*)(\d*)(\.\.)(\d*)/) { # ex: CDS 357..1541...

    2960 days ago

  • Perl script to convert GFF 2 FASTA !

    ...= 1; # Flush output my $outfile_cds = Bio::SeqIO->new( -format => 'fasta', -file => ">$ARGV[2].cds.fasta" ); my $outfile_pep =...# Output type description ###### # cds - translated sequence (starti...### Second, parse the GFF3 my %CDS; my %CDNA; my $mRNA_name;...

    2182 days ago

  • get GC across the entire CDS !

    #look at GC across the entire CDS. gffread -x - -g | \ seqtk comp - | \ awk -v OFS="\t" '{ print $1, "0", $2, ($4 + $5) / $2 }'

    1437 days ago

  • Install gffread using Conda !

    ...: done #Run as follows (jitENV) jitendra@Bathymodiolus:~$ gffread -w cds.fa -g ed.clean.fasta gene_str...s.19157.gff3 #There are also another good option python -t CDS ../../GCF_0355.2_L0_genomic.g...

    1247 days ago

  • Set up WGD environment using conda !

    ...bution construction. mcl All-vs.-all blastp + MCL clustering. mix Mixture modeling of Ks distributions. pre Check and optionally rename CDS files. syn Co-linearity a...

    1247 days ago