Results for "pe"

Wire posts

  • Perl Elements to Avoid #Perl #Tricks #Avoid #Learn #Beginners

    3287 days ago

  • Print all possible 2 combination of words ( ATGC): $letter = join',','A','T','G','C'; @abc=glob "{$letter}{$letter}"; foreach (@abc) { print "$_\n"; } #Perl #PerlTrick #TipsOftheDay

    3281 days ago

  • Besides, I wasn't trying to help them understand. I was only trying to help them think they understand. --#Larry Wall #Perl #Quotes

    3275 days ago

  • #R #Python #Market

    3265 days ago

  • Where Next for Genetics and Genomics? #Future #Genomics #Bioinformatics #Scope #Genome

    3259 days ago

  • #PhD #Thereafter

    3239 days ago

  • MICC package for chromatin interaction #R #Chromatin #Package #Interaction #ChIA-PET

    3231 days ago

  • Search and replace the string 'this' with the string 'that' in the file filename. perl -p -i -e 's/this/that/g' filename #Perl #Trick #PerlOneLiner #Tipsoftheday #Replace #FindandReplace

    3221 days ago

  • Extract sequences by their ID from a fasta file. perl -ne 'if(/^>(\S+)/){$c=$i{$1}}$c?print:chomp;$i{$_}=1 if @ARGV' ids.txt sample1.fa #Extract #Sequences #IDs #Fasta #Perl #Trick #Oneliner

    3219 days ago

  • Remove the fasta description and just keep the identifier. perl -p -i -e 's/>(.+?) .+/>$1/g' sample1.fa #Perl #Oneliner #Trick #Tips #Fasta #Identifier #Remove

    3219 days ago