Results for "pe"

Wire posts

  • Chi squared test #Perl #Chi #Probability

    2611 days ago

  • Perl courses #Perl #Courses #Tutorial

    2590 days ago

  • Researchers have succeeded in permanently rewriting flatworms' regenerative body shape by resetting their internal bioelectric pattern memory, causing even normal-appearing flatworms to harbor the "co

    2593 days ago

  • Global access to #knowledge about life on Earth #Search the site #Encyclopedia #Life

    2592 days ago

  • Handling #CSV file with #Perl

    2585 days ago

  • Update CPAN $ cpan> install CPAN; reload cpan #cpan #perl

    2584 days ago

  • Unmasking the lower case values in genome. $ perl -pe '/^[^>]/ and $_=uc' genomic.fna > genomic.unmasked.fna #Genome #Unmask #Perl #Oneliner

    2583 days ago

  • Convert masked genome to N letters. $ perl -pe '/^[^>]/ and $_=~ s/[a-z]/N/g' genomic.fna > genomic.N-masked.fna #Genome #Masked #N #Convert

    2583 days ago

  • Run length coding #Perl #String

    2575 days ago

  • Append the string to fasta header. $ sed 's/>.*/&_Bacteria/' > out.fasta #Sed #Fasta #String #Append

    2573 days ago