Results for "NT"

Wire posts

  • #omics #genetics#sequencing #animal

    2831 days ago

  • du -sh * will give you the size of all the directories,files etc in current directory in human readable format. #Linux #Size #Tricks #Folders #Files

    2875 days ago

  • Split the text file with line number in Linux: wc -l abc.txt and then: split -l 60000 abc.txt #Split #Break #Line #Ubuntu #Linux #Tricks

    2843 days ago

  • Contact many files: $ for a in *.txt ; do cat $a >> newFile ; done #Linux #Tricks

    2861 days ago

  • Rename the fasta name perl -ane 'if(/\>/){$a++; @foo = split /\s+/;$_ = join '_', @foo; print "$_\n"}else{print;}' your.fasta > new.fa #PerlTrick #PerlOneliner #Perl

    2851 days ago

  • Understanding N50 #N50 #Assembly #Genome #Contigs

    2858 days ago

  • A perl script for mapping fasta formated sequences to multiple reference sequences using one of several alignment programs. #Perl #Script

    2832 days ago

  • Identify and Remove Outlier Samples!! #Re

    2829 days ago

  • exfat on ubuntu $ sudo apt-get install exfat-utils exfat-fuse #exfat #ubuntu #mount

    2825 days ago

  • Re-install perl in Ubuntu: sudo aptitude reinstall perl #Perl #Ubuntu #Install #Linux

    2810 days ago