Results for "PE"

Wire posts

  • A guide for the lonely bioinformatician #Bioinformatician #Lonely #Pet #Focus #Future

    1358 days ago

  • Kill all screen commands. screen -ls | perl -ne '/(\d+)\./;print $1' | xargs -l kill -9 #kill #screen

    1444 days ago

  • Comparative genomics resources at Expasy #Expasy #ComparativeGenoomics

    1351 days ago

  • Registrations open: CRG online workshop – November 17th-20th 2020 #Workshop #Online #CRG

    1350 days ago

  • Delete all the executables in current directory. $ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable -exec rm {} + #Delete #CurrrentDir

    1270 days ago

  • sudo apt-get install bioperl bioperl-run would install all modules which you might need in feature. #BioPerl

    1237 days ago

  • $ export PERL5LIB=/usr/share/perl5/:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.26/Text/ #Set #Path #Perl #Module

    1232 days ago

  • install PAR::Packer in unbuntu. $ sudo apt-get install libpar-packer-perl #pp #Perl #Ubuntu

    1199 days ago

  • Multi fasta to single fasta files $ perl -ne 'if (/^>(\S+)/) { close OUT; open OUT, ">$1.fasta" } print OUT' genome.fasta #Multi-fasta #fasta #multi #genome #files

    1199 days ago

  • GitHub Grants for Open Source #Github #Grants #Open #Source

    1196 days ago