Results for "Junk DNA"


  • NCBI PSI-BLAST Tutorial Tutorial for PSI-BLAST, an extension of BLAST that uses matrix algebra. BLAST is a cornerstone bioinformatics tool at NCBI. BLAST is the Basic Local Alignment Search tool and will protein and DNA sequences that are related to a sequence that the user provides.

    3952 days ago

  • Bioinformatics -- Understanding of living systems through information science

    Recently, the progress of the Human Genome Project, aiming to decode all human DNA sequences, has highlighted a...ife. One is example is the genome. In all organisms, DNA contains genetic information,...

    3960 days ago

  • The Story of You: ENCODE and the human genome

    Ever since a monk called Mendel started breeding pea plants we've been learning abou...Franklin described the structure of the molecule that makes up our genomes: the DNA double helix. Then, in 2001,...

    3950 days ago

  • 'What is Life? A 21st Century Perspective' by Dr Craig Venter

    One of the landmark events of 20th century science was ce...vent that inspired the discovery of the structure of DNA. In February, 1943 one of t...hich ultimately led them to unravel the structure of DNA in 1953, a breakthrough which...

    3948 days ago

  • A Brief Introduction to Genetics

    A Brief Introduction to Genetics is a short documentary film that explores the describes the history of genetics, from Gregor Mendel, to concepts such as DNA and the genetic code. Having...

    3947 days ago

  • NCBI PSI-BLAST Tutorial Tutorial for PSI-BLAST, an extension of BLAST that uses matrix algebra. BLAST is a cornerstone bioinformatics tool at NCBI. BLAST is the Basic Local Alignment Search tool and will protein and DNA sequences that are related to a sequence that the user provides.

    3939 days ago

  • How Genes are Regulated: Transcription Factors

    Each cell in our body inherits the same master copy of DNA, but different cell types use it differently. Tran...ow these dynamic proteins physically interact with DNA allows us to better understand and model their binding to DNA and their regulation of gene...

    3938 days ago

  • DNA is packaged in a chromosome experiment

    For more information, log on to- htt...nucleosome is the basic unit of DNA packaging in eukaryotes, consisting of a segment of DNA wound in sequence around four...lls approximately 2 m of linear DNA have to be packed into a nucl...approximately 200 base pairs of DNA) were proposed by Roger Kornb...

    3920 days ago

  • How DNA is Packaged (Advanced)

    Each chromosome consists of one co...the 6,400,000,000 basepairs (DNA building blocks) that make up...DNA Interactive ( ). TRANSCRIPT: In this a...rotein subunits attach to the DNA molecule. The combined tight...the end of cell division, our DNA becomes less highly organized...

    3920 days ago

  • Evolution and Cancer

    Air date: Wednesday, January 04, 2012, 3:00:00 PM Time displayed is Eastern...he basic principle of the mapping scheme was to develop, by recombinant DNA techniques, random single-copy DNA probes capable of detecting D...

    3916 days ago