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    ...ial ADP-ribosylation Superfamily–A Special Emphasis for Engineering Immunotoxins from Binary toxin A Funding Agency: Life Science Research Board, Defence Research and Development Orga...

    3944 days ago

  • JRF in Bioinformatics @ INMAS, DRDO,Delhi

    ...Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), Delhi under the aegis of Defence Research and Development Orga...f the art research facilities for undertaking pioneering research with defence applications. JRF (Maximu...

    3556 days ago


  • Immunology in the Gut Mucosa

    The gut mucosa hosts the body's largest population of immune cells. Nature Immunology in collaboration with Arkitek Studios have produced an animation unravelling the complexities of mucosal immunology in health and disease. Nature Immunology homepage: Nature...

    Tags: Immunology, Animation, Defence, Guts

    3754 days ago