Results for "Repetitive"




  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    ...e contigs. ATLAS GapFill 2.2 – Deals with the Repetitive Gap Assembly problemATLAS GapFill deals with the repetitive gap assembly problem by using...ny genomes, including many that are large and highly repetitive. Reconciliator 2.0 – T...

    2831 days ago

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ResearchLabs posts

  • The Lysak Lab

    ...sms and rate of chromosome rearrangements, sequence structure of chromosome breakpoints, modes of centromere shift and elimination, evolution of repetitive sequences, and reconstructing...

    1360 days ago



  • Comment on "Python vs Perl"

    ...d Paradigm in it's Programming.Object-oriented programming allows you to create data structures that can be re-used, which reduces the amount of repetitive work that you'll need to do....

    2665 days ago