Results for "bioinformatics"


  • Perl scripts for Bioinformatics #Perl #Bioinformatics #Genetics #Scripts

    Tags: Perl, Bioinformatics, Genetics, Scripts

    3687 days ago

  • Bioinformatics script collection #Biopieces #Scripts #Bioinformatics

    Tags: Biopieces, Scripts, Bioinformatics

    3687 days ago

  • Perl one-liner for bioinformatician !!!

    With the emergence of NGS technologies, and sequencing data most of the bioinformaticians mung and wrangle around massive amounts of genomics text. There are several "standardized" file formats (FASTQ, SAM, VCF, etc.) and some tools for manipulating them (fastx toolkit, samtools, vcftools, etc.),...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Perl, NGS, Genome, Hacking, One-liner, Oneliner

    3687 days ago

  • Bioinformatics JRF vacancy at ICGEB, New Delhi

    Junior Research Fellow for a DBT sponsored project entitled "Computational and experimental characterization of stage specific arginine methylation in P. falciparum proteome". Candidates should have a 1st class MSc/MTech/BTech degree in Bioinformatics. Please send complete CV, quoting Applica...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Project, JRF, Vacancy, ICGEB, New Delhi, India

    3633 days ago

  • How to sequence the human genome - Mark J. Kiel

    View full lesson: Your genome, every human's genome, consists of a unique DNA sequence of A's, T's, C's and G's that tell your cells how to operate. Thanks to technological advances, scientists are now able to know the sequen...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genome, Sequencing, NGS, Mapping

    3687 days ago

  • Monitor running jobs on Linux server

    You as a bioinformatican run lots of program on your servers. Sometime the shared server is also used by your colleague. If server is busy you sometime need to check the running programs and want to monitor the running programs as well. The "top" command will come in handy when you need to find o...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Linux, Command, Top, Running, Processes, Server, Monitor

    3680 days ago

  • List of bioinformatics companies worldwide #Companies #Worldwide #Bioinformatics #List #Name

    Tags: Companies, Worldwide, Bioinformatics, List, Name

    3687 days ago

  • Stephen Friend: The hunt for "unexpected genetic heroes"

    What can we learn from people with the genetics to get sick — who don't? With most inherited diseases, only some family members will develop the disease, while others who carry the same genetic risks dodge it. Stephen Friend suggests we start studying those family members who stay healthy. Hear a...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics, Heredity, TED, Disease

    3686 days ago

  • Linux Sort Commands for Bioinformatics

    Almost all the scripting languages such as Perl, Python etc have built-in sort, but unfortunately none of them are as flexible as sort command. But one when it come to space efficiency GNU sort stands at the top. It can sort a 20Gb file with less than 2Gb memory. It is not trivial to implement so...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Linux, Sort, Example

    3686 days ago

  • Genomics and Personalized Medicine

    (October 20, 2009) Michael Snyder, Professor of Genetics and Chair of the Department of Genetics at Stanford, discusses advances in gene sequencing, the impact of genomics on medicine, the potential for personalized medicine. and efforts at Stanford to further study these issues. Stanford Mini M...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Personalized Mrdicine, Genomics

    3685 days ago