Results for "Contaminated"


  • segemehl

    ...lso insertions and deletions. Furthermore, segemehl is not limited to a specific read length and is able to map primer- or polyadenylation contaminated reads correctly.  segeme...

    2950 days ago

  • COSINE: non-seeding method for mapping long noisy sequences

    Third generation sequencing (TGS) are highly promising technologies but the long and noisy reads from TGS are difficult to align using existing algorithms. Here, we present COSINE, a conceptually new method designed specifically for aligning long reads contaminated by a high level of errors.

    2051 days ago

Top-level pages



  • BBSplit: Read Binning Tool for Metagenomes and Contaminated Libraries

    BBSplit internally uses BBMap to map reads to multiple genomes at once, and determine which genome they match best. This is different than with ordinary mapping. If a genome (say, human) contains an exact repeat somewhere, reads mapping to it will be mapped ambiguously. But if you want to determi...

    Tags: BBSplit, Read, Binning, Tool, Metagenomes, Contaminated, Libraries

    2347 days ago


  • Comment on "Platanus"

    ...When "-n 0", the value depends on k-mer occurrence distribution. If k-mer occurrence distribution is abnormal (Ex. contaminated, transcriptome...

    2832 days ago