Results for "Directory"


  • To know the size of the directory in current folder. $ du -sh * #Size #Directory #List #Space #Linux #du

    Tags: Size, Directory, List, Space, Linux, du

    2547 days ago

  • du -sh * | sort | grep "G" #List size of all the directory #Size #List #Directory #Linux

    Tags: List, Size, List, Directory, Linux

    2145 days ago

  • Rasflow Error: Directory cannot be locked

    Error: Directory cannot be locked. Please make sure that no other Snakemake process is trying to create the same files in the following directory:/home/RASflowIf you are sure that no other instances of snakemake are running on this directory, the remaining lock was likely caused by a kill signal ...

    Tags: Error, Directory, locked, snakemake

    1018 days ago

  • Find matching file names with pattern in a directory. $ ls -dq *_name2search_* | wc -l #file #search #hits #pattern #names #directory

    Tags: file, search, hits, pattern, names, directory

    2283 days ago

  • #Extract all the files from a #directory and #sub-dir with #pattern. $ find TrimmedDir -type f | grep "L_" | xargs -i cp {} .

    Tags: Extract, directory, sub, pattern

    2276 days ago