Results for "Exploring"


  • A web tool for exploring genome and epigenome data on a genomic scale. #Webtool #Exploring #Epigenome #Genomic

    Tags: Webtool, Exploring, Epigenome, Genomic

    3633 days ago

  • VolcaNoseR - Exploring volcano plots

    Plot volcano plots online .... VolcaNoseR - Exploring volcano plots

    Tags: VolcaNoseR, Exploring, volcano, plots

    976 days ago

  • HiGlass: a tool for exploring genomic contact matrices and tracks.

    HiGlass is a tool for exploring genomic contact matrices and tracks. Please take a look at the examples and documentation for a description of the ways that it can be configured to explore and compare contact matrices. To load private data, HiGlass can be run locally within a Docker container. Th...

    Tags: HiGlass, tool, exploring, genomic, contact, matrices, tracks, Visualization

    2183 days ago

  • OrthoVenn3: an integrated platform for exploring and visualizing orthologous data across genomes

    OrthoVenn3 is a powerful tool for comparative genomics analysis, used as a web server for full genome comparisons, annotation, and evolutionary analysis of orthologous clusters across multiple species. It has already been used by thousands of users from over 60 countries.

    Tags: OrthoVenn3, integrated, platform, exploring, visualizing, orthologous, data, across, genomes

    397 days ago