Results for "groups"


  • 598 Indian Genomes from 55 ethnic groups Sequenced

    This study reports sequence from 1,267 individuals that includes 598 individuals representing 55 ethnic groups that span the major language groups across India. Importantly, this study found many large population groups from India in which individuals were more related to each other by des...

    Tags: 598, Indian, Genomes, 55, ethnic, groups, Sequenced

    1647 days ago

  • GEO2R: compare two or more groups of Samples

    GEO2R to compare two or more groups of Samples in order to identify genes that are differentially expressed across experimental conditions.

    Tags: GEO2R, compare, groups, Samples, identify, genes, differentially, expressed, across, experimental, conditions

    1275 days ago

  • MimiLook: A Phylogenetic Workflow for Detection of Gene Acquisition in Major Orthologous Groups of Megavirales

    This tool detects statistically validated events of gene acquisitions with the help of the T-REX algorithm by comparing individual gene tree with NCBI species tree. In between the steps, the workflow decides about handling paralogs, filtering outputs, identifying Megavirale specific OGs, detectio...

    Tags: MimiLook, Phylogenetic, Workflow, Detection, Gene, Acquisition, Major, Orthologous, Groups, Megavirales

    889 days ago