Results for "top"


  • Monitor running jobs on Linux server

    You as a bioinformatican run lots of program on your servers. Sometime the shared server is also used by your colleague. If server is busy you sometime need to check the running programs and want to monitor the running programs as well. The "top" command will come in handy when you need to find o...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Linux, Command, Top, Running, Processes, Server, Monitor

    3663 days ago

  • #Top #Bio #Institute

    Tags: Top, Bio, Institute

    3509 days ago

  • R Shiny in Life Sciences – Top 7 Dashboard Examples

     R Shiny is one of the easiest ways for developers to make production-ready dashboards when speed and functionality are crucial. Shiny is approachable with a lot of documentation available, and because of this, a lot of developers/researchers with non-coding backgrounds are able to produce s...

    Tags: R, Shiny, Life, Sciences, Top, Dashboard, Examples

    807 days ago

  • How to print only the first best hit from blastn tool?

    I used the following command to print the blast hit. [Terminal] blastn -query aaa.fa -db blastdb/nt -evalue 10e-5 -num_threads 4 -max_target_seqs 1 -outfmt '6 qseqid staxid qstart qend sallseqi sstart send evalue length frames qcovs' -out testBlastSee But the outfile print many hits, I only...

    Tags: blastn, blastall, megablast, top, hits

    2663 days ago

  • #top #german #university

    Tags: top, german, university

    1610 days ago