Results for "Reads"


  • Protocol for De novo Genome Assembly using Illumina Reads

    In this protocol, we address and describe the de novo assembly method for small to medium-sized genomes. What is de novo genome assembly?The method of taking a large number of short DNA sequences and placing them back together to create a reflection of the original chromosomes from which the DNA...

    Tags: Protocol, De novo, Genome, Assembly, Illumina, Reads

    1247 days ago

  • Understanding HiFi Reads !

    While little public data is available for either of the new synthetic long read approaches, Illumina showed an example comparison earlier this year at the Festival of Genomics & Biodata conference (FoG 2022). In the IGV screenshot presented (below), synthetic Infinity reads – ...

    Tags: Understanding, HiFi, Reads, NGS

    815 days ago

  • Common steps for reads mapping !

    Mapping reads to a reference genome is an essential step in many types of genomic analysis, such as variant calling and gene expression analysis. Here are some general steps to follow for mapping reads to a genome: Choose a read mapper: There are many read mappers availab...

    Tags: Reads, Mapping, Steps, Methods, NGS

    466 days ago