Results for "Assembly"


  • Cerulean: A hybrid assembly using high throughput short and long reads

    Cerulean extends contigs assembled using short read datasets like Illumina paired-end reads using long reads like PacBio RS long reads. Cerulean v0.1 has been implemented with bacterial genomes in mind. The method is fully described in Deshpande, V., Fung, E. D., Pham, S., & Bafna, V. (...

    Tags: Cerulean, hybrid, assembly, short, long, reads, pacbio, nanopore

    2203 days ago

  • assemblytics: delta file to analyze alignments of an assembly to another assembly or a reference genome

    Download and install MUMmer Align your assembly to a reference genome using nucmer (from MUMmer package) $ nucmer -maxmatch -l 100 -c 500 REFERENCE.fa ASSEMBLY.fa -prefix OUT Consult the MUMmer manual if you encounter problems Optional: Gzip the delta file to speed up upload (usually 2-4X f...

    Tags: assemblytics, delta, analyze, alignment, assembly, reference, genome, visualization

    2194 days ago

  • SWALO: Scaffolding with assembly likelihood optimization

    SWALO (scaffolding with assembly likelihood optimization) is a method for scaffolding based on likelihood of genome assemblies computed using generative models for sequencing. Please email your questions, comments, suggestions, and bug reports to

    Tags: SWALO, Scaffolding, assembly, likelihood, optimization

    2188 days ago

  • ASplice: a scalable and memory-efficient algorithm for de novo transcriptome assembly

    With increased availability of de novo assembly algorithms, it is feasible to study entire transcriptomes of non-model organisms. While algorithms are available that are specifically designed for performing transcriptome assembly from high-throughput sequencing data, they are very memory-intensiv...

    Tags: ASplice, scalable, memory-efficient, algorithm, de novo, transcriptome, assembly

    2175 days ago

  • ChopStitch: exon annotation and splice graph construction using transcriptome assembly and whole genome sequencing data

    ChopStitch is a new method for finding putative exons and constructing splice graphs using an assembled transcriptome and whole genome shotgun sequencing (WGSS) data. ChopStitch identifies exon-exon boundaries in de novo assembled RNA-seq data with the help of a Bloom filter that represents the k...

    Tags: ChopStitch, exon, annotation, splice, graph, transcriptome, assembly, whole, genome, sequencing

    2175 days ago

  • transrate: Understanding your transcriptome assembly

    Transrate is software for de-novo transcriptome assembly quality analysis. It examines your assembly in detail and compares it to experimental evidence such as the sequencing reads, reporting quality scores for contigs and assemblies. This allows you to choose between assemblers and par...

    Tags: transrate, Understanding, transcriptome, assembly, rna-seq

    2165 days ago

  • Converting a VCF into a FASTA given some reference !

    Samtools/BCFtools (Heng Li) provides a Perl script which does this, the function vcf2fq (lines 469-528) This script has been modified by others to convert InDels as well, e.g. this by David Eccles ./ -f <input.fasta> <all-site.vcf> ...

    Tags: Convert, VCF, FASTA, reference, genome, assembly, phase

    2158 days ago

  • Nanopolis: polish a genome assembly

    Software package for signal-level analysis of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data. Nanopolish can calculate an improved consensus sequence for a draft genome assembly, detect base modifications, call SNPs and indels with respect to a reference genome and more (see Nanopolish modules, below). Quickst...

    Tags: Nanopolis, polish, ONT, nanopore, genome, assembly, ngs

    2152 days ago

  • #Canu #assembly of long reads

    Tags: Canu, assembly

    2148 days ago

  • FinisherSC:a repeat-aware tool for upgrading de novo assembly using long reads

    Here is the command to run the tool: python destinedFolder mummerPath If you are running on server computer and would like to use multiple threads, then the following commands can generate 20 threads to run FinisherSC. python -par 20 destinedFolder mummerPath S...

    Tags: FinisherSC, repeat-aware, tool, upgrading, de novo, assembly, long, reads

    2127 days ago