Results for "Access"


  • GOLD:Genomes Online Database

    GOLD:Genomes Online Database, is a World Wide Web resource for comprehensive access to information regarding genome and metagenome sequencing projects, and their associated metadata, around the world.

    Tags: GOLD, Genomes, Online, Database, comprehensive, access, information, genome, metagenome, sequencing, projects, metadata

    2611 days ago

  • Tools to access the quality of your assembled genome !

    FASTA VALIDATOR + SEQKIT RMDUP: FASTA validation GENOMETOOLS GT GFF3VALIDATOR: GFF3 validation ASSEMBLATHON STATS: Assembly statistics GENOMETOOLS GT STAT: Annotation statistics NCBI FCS ADAPTOR: Adaptor contamination pass/fail NCBI FCS GX: Foreign organism contamination pass/fai...

    Tags: Tool, Access, Quality, Genome

    40 days ago