Results for "Count"

Wire posts

  • To count the number of matches in a string !!! $str = "one.two.three.four"; $n =()= $str =~ /\./gi; print $n; #Tipsoftheday #Perl

    3872 days ago

  • Count the total number of lines in a file. my $total=@{[<INFILE>]}; #Perl #Count #Number #Total #File

    3609 days ago

  • perl -nle '$count += () = /XY[0-9]+/g; END {print $count}' inputfile #Count #Perl #Perloneliner

    3639 days ago

  • Count the contigs length in index fasta file with samtools. $ awk '{s+=$2}END{print s}' scaffolds.fasta.fai #Fasta #Index #Length #Count #Size #Samtools

    2136 days ago

  • Count the number of occurrence of pattern in a file using Perl. perl -e '$_ = <>; print scalar ( () = m/needle/g ), "\n"' #Perl #Perloneliner #Count #Occurrence

    3608 days ago

  • Count the number of "pattern" occurrence in a file grep -o 'pattern' anc.annots.gff | wc -l #Linux #grep #Count #Number #Occurrence

    3608 days ago

  • To count number of fasta entries, I use: grep -c '^>' mySequences.fasta #Perl #Count #Number #Fasta #Linux #Grep

    3568 days ago

  • Count the number of sequences in fastaq file. grep -c '^@' sample1.fq #Fastaq #Count #Number #Grep #Dirty #Oneliner #NGS

    3153 days ago

  • Count the number of bases in fasta file. grep -v ">" file.fasta | wc | awk '{print $3-$1}' #Fasta #Count #Bases

    2500 days ago

  • Get the reads in fastq file: awk '{s++}END{print s/4}' file.fastq #reads #count #ngs #fastq

    2362 days ago