Results for "Counting"


  • Error Propagation and Counting Stats #Error #Counting #Stat

    Tags: Error, Counting, Stat

    2732 days ago

  • Alfred: BAM Statistics and Feature Counting

    The easiest way to get Alfred is to download a statically linked binary from the Alfred github release page. Alternatively, you can build Alfred from source. Alfred dependencies are included as submodules so you need to do a recursive clone. git clone --recursive

    Tags: Alfred, BAM, Statistics, Feature, Counting

    2286 days ago

  • Understanding kmer !

    What is a k-mer anyway? A k-mer is just a sequence of k characters in a string (or nucleotides in a DNA sequence). Now, it is important to remember that to get all k-mers from a sequence you need to get the first k characters, then move just ...

    Tags: k-mer, counting, learn, teach, skill, genome, reads

    983 days ago