Results for "DNA-seq"


  • GenXPro GmbH

    GenXPro GMbH is service provider for entire spectrum of nucleotide-based information of any biological sample. By combining intelligent data reduction techniques and latest next generation sequencing technologies, our service portfolio provides most accurate and cost efficient solu...

    Tags: Sequencing, DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq, MACE, Epigenetics, microRNA, Chip-Seq, RAD-Seq, Methylation-Seq, transcriptomics, GBS, Gene expression, de-novo assembly, breeding, Exome Seq, Rare variants

    3630 days ago

  • Webinar on 'An integrated RNA and DNA approach to unravel genetic regulation in cancer'

    Webinar on 'An integrated RNA and DNA approach to unravel genetic regulation in cancer' Abstract Whole exome DNA sequencing (WES) or whole genome DNA sequencing (WGS) allows detection of mutations and polymorphisms in all exonic and genomic regions, respectively, while messenger RNA sequencin...

    Tags: NGS, data analysis, genomics, transcriptomics, DNA-seq, RNA-seq

    3365 days ago

  • SVfinder: Tool for detecting genomic rearrangement form DNA-seq data

    SVfinder provides genome-wide detection of structural variants from next generation paired-end sequencing reads.

    Tags: SVfinder, Tool, detecting, genomic, rearrangement, DNA-seq

    2327 days ago

  • Webinar on Fast and Accurate DNA Variant Calling on 26 Apr 2017

    Continuing our DNA-Seq webinar series, we'll present Strand NGS v3.0 best-practices: a workflow that identifies highly accurate variants from raw reads. Our best practices workflow is twice as fast as its GATK counterpart, and results in precision/recall rates of up to 99%/98% on whole exome...

    Tags: webinar, strand ngs, variant calling, dna-seq, bwa-gatk

    2565 days ago

  • Webinar on Diagnosis of Rare Diseases using NGS Based Multi-gene Testing- Case studies by Dr.Aparna Ganapathy on 18 Apr 2018

    A disease is considered to be ‘rare’ when it affects one in about 2000 individuals in the population. This, individually are although rare, collectively, the incidence could be very high causing a significant socio-economic burden. Arriving at a confirmatory diagnosis is a major chall...

    Tags: strand ngs, webinar, rare disease, clinical diagnosis, dna-seq

    2233 days ago