Results for "I'm interested in understanding the epigenetic basis of several kinds of biological processes and"


  • Chromatin: From nucleosomes to chromosomes, 30 April - 2 May 2014

    EMBL-EBI announced the Wellcome Trust Scientific Conference Chromatin:...aspects of chromatin biology. The conference will focus on the latest developments in understanding chromatin structure and funct...fy new research opportunities and collaborations.Further detail...

    3939 days ago

  • Cancer's origins revealed

    Researchers have provided the first...sive compendium of mutational tumour development. Together, these mutational processes...most mutations found in 30 of the most common cancer types. This new understanding of cancer development could help to treat and prevent a wide-range of cance...

    3930 days ago

  • DNA Bending Propensity in the Presence of Base Mismatches: Implications for DNA Repair

    Understanding how the human body recognizes damaged DNA and initi...tate University. Feig studies the proteins MutS and MSH2-MSH6, which recognize de...curs when proteins like MutS (the primary protein responsible f...n the DNA, identify a defect, and recruit other enzymes to carr...

    3926 days ago

  • Barber pole worm , sheep pathogen sequenced !!!

    ...infect a large number of wild and domesticated ruminant species and is the m...per annum in lost production and drug costs. A common help to tackle the problem and understand the resistance mec...d now provide a comprehensive understanding of how treatments a...

    3911 days ago

  • 320000 viruses in mammals yet to sequenced in future!!!

    With current biological technique impro...nknown viruses at genomic level and understand the mecha...V/AIDS, West Nile, Ebola, SARS, and influenza, are zoonoses - inf...cross into humans. To address the challenges of describing and...jungles of Bangladesh - home to the flying fox. Reference: http...

    3911 days ago

  • A fast package to parse BLAST

    In current era, we are handling huge amount of genomics data, and analysing it to make some biological sense out of it. Large-scale...amounts of data to be parsed. There are several BLAST parsers are available, but they are often missing some impor...

    3904 days ago

  • Accelerating Biology 2014:The Next Wave (18-22 February, 2014)

    ...rgely due to new technologies and a large amount of automation. The advent of Next Generation at an extremely rapid rate and at a significantly lower cost. The availability of hundreds of g...le to generate knowledge from the oceans of genomic data, enabl...

    3859 days ago

  • Biggest Human Brain Project (HBP) launched!!!

    "In neuroscience, the project will use neuroinformatics and brain simulation to collect and i...illing gaps in our knowledge, and prioritising future experiments. In medicine, the HBP w...sis at an early stage, before the disease has done irreversible damage, and enabling personalized treatme...

    3876 days ago

  • The anatomy of successful computational biology software

    Creators of software widely used in computational biology discuss the factors that contributed to their su...hnology spoke with Altschul and several other originators of computational biolog...unique challenges of developing them for biological research and how the field of computationa...

    3874 days ago

  • WSCC – 2013 follows:Topics of Teaching and Research1. Review of postulates...ock approximation; Restricted and Unrestricted Hartree–Fock; methods; Classification of Basis–Plesset perturbation theory; Coupled Cluster theory; S...Sham equations; Local density and generalized gradient approxim...

    3843 days ago