Results for "Linux"


  • Creating conda environment for python2.7

    TIP: By default, environments are installed into the envs directory in your conda directory. Run conda create --help for information on specifying a different path. Use the Terminal or an Anaconda Prompt for the following steps. To create an environment: c...

    Tags: Creat, conda, environment, python2.7, python, Linux

    2182 days ago

  • Installing Bandage on Ubunty !

    The following instructions successfully build Bandage ( ) on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 14.04: Ensure the package lists are up-to-date: sudo apt-get update Install prerequisite packages: sudo apt-get install build-essential git qtbase5-dev libqt5...

    Tags: Install, Bandage, Ubuntu, Linux, Make, Tools, Genome, Assembly

    2181 days ago

  • To upgrade the perl in Linux $ sudo cpan; cpan[1]> upgrade #Perl #Upgrade #Linux #Ubuntu

    Tags: Perl, Upgrade, Linux, Ubuntu

    2143 days ago

  • Sed illegal charters from fasta. $ sed '/^[^>]/ s/[^AGTC]/N/gi' < seq.fa #fasta #otherthanATGC #replace #sed #Linux #illegal

    Tags: fasta, otherthanATGC, replace, sed, Linux, illegal

    2136 days ago

  • Get unique ids from column 1 in Linux. $ cat output_file | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq > allUniqOUT #Unique #Linux #Cut

    Tags: Unique, Linux, Cut

    2131 days ago

  • du -sh * | sort | grep "G" #List size of all the directory #Size #List #Directory #Linux

    Tags: List, Size, List, Directory, Linux

    2091 days ago

  • cat /etc/*-release #System #version #Linux

    Tags: System, version, Linux

    2083 days ago

  • Setting python version as default on Linux

    If you have a later version than 2.6 you'll need to set 2.6 as the default Python. Later versions would be 2.7 and 3.1; see what you have by typing python -V at the terminal. For purposes of this example we'll assume you have 3.1 installed. You'll next need to execute the following commands: ...

    Tags: Python, Version, Setting, Ubuntu, Linux

    2062 days ago

  • Check the file systems and sizes. $ df --block-size=G #Linux #Size #df

    Tags: Linux, Size, df

    2021 days ago

  • sudo find /tmp -type f -atime +10 -delete #Delete all tmp files created within 10 days #Linux

    Tags: Delete, Linux

    1961 days ago