Results for "LongReads"


  • file

    SSPACE_longread complain for file. To resolve this, download and have in SSPACED-Longreads folder. Cheers :)

    2145 days ago

Top-level pages

  • Installing python-numpy !

    ....gz', 'test/600_1.fq.gz', 'test/600_2.fq.gz'], identity=0.51, iters=2, joins=5, limit=0.2, linkratio=0.7, log=', mode 'w' at 0x7f85d1de31e0>, longreads=[], mapq=10, mem=16, minLengt...

    2184 days ago

Wire posts

  • Live webinar on long reads! #PacBio #LongReads #NGS #Omics #Seq

    3596 days ago

  • Long-read human genome sequencing and its applications #LongReads #Sequencing #Genome #Review

    1420 days ago

  • +3 more Wire posts


  • Long reads mapper bash script !

    ...rameters accepted toolName=$1 refFasta=$2 longReads=$3 thread=$4 readsType=$5...ndex $refFasta $bwaMemLoc mem $refFasta $longReads -t $thread > $ $minimap2Loc -ax map-ont $refFasta $longReads -t $thread > $

    2117 days ago


  • CANU genome assembly parameters !

    Choose the appropriate parameters to run Canu and run it. The assembly will take about an hour. You can use two cores (parameter -maxThreads=2) and you would like to disable cluster option, since we compute on a single Amazon server set off the option to compute on cluster useGrid=false...

    Tags: CANU, genome, assembly, parameters, NGS, LongReads, OLC

    1939 days ago