Results for "Memory"


  • Memories Can Be Passed Down Through DNA

    The premise of Assassin's Creed is the reliving of other people's memories stored inside DNA. Well scientists have found that in mice, it actually happens! Anthony is joined by special guest and our friend Tara Long from Hard Science to explain how this process works, and if it might apply to hum...

    Tags: Evolution, Bioinformatics, Genomics, Epigenetics, Memory

    3654 days ago

  • Display top 10 Mrmory resource intensive processes in order $ line=$(ps aux | head -n 1) && echo $line; ps aux | sort -nrk 5 | head #Display #Top10 #Memory #Processes #Linux #Trick

    Tags: Display, Top10, Memory, Processes, Linux, Trick

    3169 days ago

  • Find the memory to request on server for 2 TB and 24 cores: 2*1024*1024/24 ~= 85000 MB #CPU #Server #Herculus #Memory

    Tags: CPU, Server, Herculus, Memory

    2521 days ago

  • DISCO : multi threaded and multiprocess distributed memory overlap-layout-consensus (OLC) metagenome assembler

    DISCO is a multi threaded and multiprocess distributed memory overlap-layout-consensus (OLC) metagenome assembler. Disco was developed as a scalable assembler to assemble large metagenomes from billions of Illumina sequencing reads of complex microbial communities. Disco was parallelized for...

    Tags: multiprocess, distributed, memory, overlap, layout, consensus, OLC, metagenome, assembler

    2497 days ago

  • Modular, efficient and constant-memory single-cell RNA-seq preprocessing

    With kallisto | bustools you can Generate a cell x gene or cell x transcript equivalence class count matrix Perform RNA velocity and single-nuclei RNA-seq analsis Quantify data from numerous technologies such as 10x, inDrops, and Dropseq. Customize workflows fo...

    Tags: Modular, efficient, constant, memory, single-cell, RNA-seq, preprocessing, bustool, kallisto

    1132 days ago