Results for "New Idea"

Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    ...atics: (1) the development of new algorithms and statistics wit....What is Bioinformatics? "One idea for a definition: (Molecular...concept. Thus, the simplified idea of “one gene – on...BLAST and PSI–BLAST: a new generation of protein database...

    4086 days ago

  • miRNA database and tools

    Since few years miRNA has shown to play important role in therapeutic related resea...on on UTRs : Idea of analysing miRNA Sequencing...

    3634 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART1 !! sequence reads. It based on the idea of frequent k-mer assembly....growing gap between the output of new generation massively parallel...the contigs file, Bandage opens up new possibilities for analysing d...and other warnings, and produces a new broken assembly based on the e...

    2824 days ago

  • Phylogenetic & Molecular Genetics Terms and Definitions

    ...nesis -- The development of a new clade; the splitting of a sin...g sequences, for discovery of new genes and (by reference to se.... hypothesis -- A concept or idea that can be falsified by vari...ccur under conditions where a new feature permits a lineage to m...

    2600 days ago

  • Ancestral sequence reconstruction steps !

    Ancestral sequence reconstruction (ASR) – als...f the corresponding ancestral protein. The idea of protein 'resurrection' was...acid seaview -> view proteins -> save as ...) Ideally do a tree-based groups. &...

    2317 days ago