Results for "Non-coding RNAS"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Vvek's Lab

    ...cRNA), Stem cells, Functional genomics, Epigenomics and Cancer RNAs, especially non-coding RNAs (such as microRNA, long ncRNA...activities of our lab include analysis of expression pattern of ncRNAs by microarray and next-gen se...

    3865 days ago

  • Gupta Lab

    Gupta laboratory of Natural Information Processing at DA-IICT. Research in our lab currently focuses on two aspects of information processing viz. deciphering the info...

    3877 days ago

  • Chang lab

    The Chang lab is focused on how the activities of hundreds or even thousands of genes (ge...mber their locations in the body, particularly with the help of long noncoding RNAs. More at http://changlab.s...

    3867 days ago

  • Anders Krogh Lab

    ...) and alternative decoding algorithms etc. (refs). Now my main interests are in gene regulation, where we work on promoter analysis; non-coding RNA, where miRNAs and structure prediction are...

    3861 days ago

  • Bergman Lab

    Broad area of research: Genome Annotation and Functional Genomics Bergman Lab is actively engaged in the development and application of computational methods to...

    3858 days ago

  • RNA Bioinformatics and High Throughput Analysis Jena

    ...cing Analysis Comparative Genomics Identification and Annotation of Non-coding RNAs Bioinformatic Analysis and System Biology of Viruses Coevolution of Proteins and RNAs Algorithmic Bioinformatics...

    3821 days ago

  • Chekulaevalab

    ..., localization and stability and role of non-coding RNAs in this process. Up to 90% of human...timated to be transcribed into so called non-coding RNAs that are not translated into...ession. miRNAs are a class of such short non-coding RNAs. They regulate expression of...

    3028 days ago

  • Prof. Chandrasekhar Kanduri Laboratory

    Our lab has been interested in understanding how long noncoding RNAs control tumor initiation and progression,...and the functional role of long noncoding RNAs in cancer development and pro...we have identified several long noncoding RNAs that could have potential rol...

    2863 days ago