Results for "Oxford Nanopore"


  • Plot dotplot with last !

    # generate dotplot lastdb test/ref.fa lastal -f TAB test/ref.fa test/contigs.reduced.pacbio.fa | last-dotplot - test/contigs.reduced.pacbio.fa.ref.png lastal -f TAB test/ref.fa test/contigs.reduced.nanopore.fa | last-dotplot - test/contigs.reduced.nanopore.fa.ref.png

    2245 days ago

  • Installing Porechop on Ubuntu !

    ...d/lib/porechop copying porechop/ -> build/lib/porech...chop copying build/lib/porechop/ -> /home/urbe/anacond...python3.6/site-packages/porechop/ to nanopore_read.cpyt...: a tool for finding adapters in Oxford Nanopore reads, trimming them...

    2099 days ago