Results for "R"


  • CSBB-v1.0

    CSBB is a command line based bioinformatics suite to analyze biological data acquired through varied avenues of biological experiments. CSBB is implemented in Perl, while it also leverages the use of R and python in background for specific modules. Major focus of CSBB is to allow users from biolo...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, CSBB-v1.0, Tools, Modules, Packages, Analyse, Perl, R

    2860 days ago

  • Machine Learning !!!

    In machine learning, computers apply statistical learning techniques to automatically identify patterns in data. These techniques can be used to make highly accurate predictions. Keep scrolling. Using a data set about homes, we will create a machine learning model to distinguish h...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, Visualization, R, Statistics, Learn, Machine Learning

    2858 days ago

  • vcfR

    Most variant calling pipelines result in files containing large quantities of variant information. The variant call format (vcf) is an increasingly popular format for this data. The format of these files and their content is discussed in the vignette ‘vcf data.’ These files ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, NGS, vcfR, R, Visualization, VCF, Genome

    2809 days ago

  • Sushi: An R/Bioconductor package for visualizing genomic data

    Sushi: An R/Bioconductor package for visualizing genomic data

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, NGS, R, Plot, Sushi, Genome

    2797 days ago

  • Shinyheatmap

    Background: Transcriptomics, metabolomics, metagenomics, and other various next-generation sequencing (-omics) fields are known for their production of large datasets. Visualizing such big data has posed technical challenges in biology, both in terms of available computational resources as well a...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, NGS, HeatMap, Genome, Shinyheatmap, R, Visualize, Map, Transcriptomics, Metabolomics, Metagenomics

    2747 days ago

  • R Graphs !!

    The blog is a collection of script examples with example data and output plots. R produce excellent quality graphs for data analysis, science and business presentation, publications and other purposes. Self-help codes and examples are provided. Enjoy nice graphs !!

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, NGS, R, Graph, Plot, Stats

    2732 days ago


    Software available at this site FineSTRUCTURE version 2, a pipeline for running ChromoPainter and FineSTRUCTURE for population inference. A GUI is available for interpretation. Download from the Downloads page. FineSTRUCTURE R scripts, a facility for exploring the results when the GUI is un...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Chromosome, Paint, R, Script

    2631 days ago

  • Ideoplot

    Simple ideogram plotting and annotation in R. Basic usage: Rscript Ideoplot.R --heatmap hm.bed --annotate annotations.bed --out ideogram.pdf -or- Rscript Ideoplot.R --annotate annotations.bed Options --ideobed, i A bed file of reference contig lengths/chromosome names --heatmap, -h ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Chromosome, Paint, R, Script

    2631 days ago

  • BioStats class tutorial

    Nice biostat turorial by Ingo Ruczinski

    Tags: Biostats, Ingo Ruczinski, book, tutorial, R

    2601 days ago

  • UpSetR Shiny App!

    UpSetR generates static UpSet plots. The UpSet technique visualizes set intersections in a matrix layout and introduces aggregates based on groupings and queries. The matrix layout enables the effective representation of associated data, such as the number of elements in the aggregates and i...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, Plot, UpSetR, Shiny, App, R

    2572 days ago