Results for "Script"


  • Run bash script in Perl program !

    BioPerl is a compilation of Perl modules that can be used to build bioinformatics-related Perl scripts. It is used, for example, in the development of source codes, standalone software/tools, and algorithms in bioinformatics programmes. Different modules are easy to instal and include, making it ...

    Tags: Perl, Bash, Script, awk, Module

    631 days ago

  • Perl one-liner for beginners !

    I often use the following arguments to perl: -e Makes the line of code be executed instead of a script -n Forces your line to be called in a loop. Allows you to take lines from the diamond operator (or stdin) -p Forces your line to be called in a loop. Prints $_ at the end   This ...

    Tags: perl, oneliner, linux, handy, script, codes

    1375 days ago