Results for "Subcellular"


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Opportunity posts

  • PhD Positions

    ...h the capacity to systematically measure the behaviour of multiple cellular components, such as biochemical activities, biophysical properties, subcellular localization and interaction....

    3988 days ago

ResearchLabs posts


  • Protein Subcellular Localization Prediction

    Assigning subcellular localization to a protein is an important step towards elucidating its interaction partners, function, and potential role(s) in the cellular machinery. Computational tools offer an attractive complement to time-consuming and laborious experimental methods. http://abi.inf.un...

    Tags: Protein, Subcellular, Localization, Prediction

    2297 days ago

  • BUSCA: an integrative web server to predict subcellular localization of proteins

    BUSCA (Bologna Unified Subcellular Component Annotator) is a web-server for predicting protein subcellular localization. BUSCA integrates different tools to predict localization-related protein features (DeepSig, TPpred3, PredGPI and ENSEMBLE3.0) as well as tools for discriminating subcellular lo...

    Tags: BUSCA, integrative, web, server, predict, subcellular, localization, proteins

    1953 days ago