Results for "Systems Biology"


  • PhD at University of Calgary

    Institution/Company: University of Calgary Location: Calgary, AB Job Description: Novel diagnostic platform for detection of Osteoarthritis I invite applications from highly motivated individuals to join my laboratory as a PhD student in Systems Biology at the University of Calgary M...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, Osteoarthritis, Calgary, University of Calgary

    3773 days ago

  • 9th International Conference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology

    The Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia, will arrange the 9th International Conference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB-2014) 23-2 June 2014. These regular bi-annual conference series have been run since 1998 and presents larges...

    Tags: Systems Biology and Computational Biology; Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics of Genome. Regulation. Structure, Systems Biology, Russia

    3725 days ago

  • PhD opportunity at Université de Liège - Belgium

    The Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Unit of Université de Liège (Belgium) is looking for a highly motivated master student with programming skills for a PhD thesis project (4 years, fully funded) with the goal of designing computational tools that use literature, genomic and structural data in...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational biology, Systems Biology, Patrick Meyer, PhD, Belgium

    3525 days ago

  • Post-Doc Positions at the Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel

    We are looking for independent, motivated, diligent, laborious, dedicated Bioinformaticians as post-doctorate fellows for a project aimed at revealing the mechanisms of cancer-resistance and anti-cancer activity of the hypoxia-tolerant subterranean, blind mole-rat, Spalax along its underground ev...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational biology, Systems Biology, Post-Doc, Evolution, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel

    3523 days ago