Results for "Systems Biology and Computational Biology; Molecular Biology"


  • Must read paper and books in evolution biology !

    ...riation 1a. Lewontin, R. C., and J. L. Hubby. 1966. A molecular approach to the study...Natural Selection. Molecular Biology and Evolution 110: 21077-6....f the Neutral Theory in 1968 and 50 years on: a response to Kern and...utation of a classic case of molecular adaptation in Drosophila mela...

    591 days ago

  • Interesting Bioinformatics Resources !

    1. a reproducible workflow. with R Markdown, Git, Make, and Docker 5. Practical Computational Reproducibility in...Dr.Keith A. Baggerly from MD Anderson [The Importance of Reproducible Research in High-Throughput Biology]...

    555 days ago

  • Chromosome breakpoint - a breakup to remember

    Chromosome breakpoint refers to the physica...where a chromosome is broken and rearranged. Chromosome breaka...ct location of the breakpoint and the nature of the rearrangement, su...ts, depending on the location and size of the duplicated segment. Ch...

    438 days ago