Results for "Trimming"


  • Installing Porechop on Ubuntu !

    ...on] Porechop: a tool for finding adapters in Oxford Nanopore reads, trimming them from the ends and split...p extend (default: 3,-6,-5,-2) End adapter settings: Control the trimming of adapters from read ends...

    2244 days ago

  • Downloading GATK ! into an unmapped SAM or BAM file. MarkIlluminaAdapters (Picard) Reads a SAM or BAM file and rewrites it with new adapter-trimming tags. ------------------...

    2214 days ago

  • Tadpole is 250x faster than SPADes assembler !

    ...mincoverage=1 (mincov) Do not write contigs with average coverage below this. trimends=0 (trim) Trim contig ends by this much. Trimming by K/2...

    1114 days ago