Results for "codon"


  • CoreTracker, a codon reassignment tracker

    CoreTracker detects evidences of codon reassignment from the protein repertoire of a set of genomes by successively applying different algorithms. It’s a filtering approach that explore all possible reassignments in every genomes from the input set, and retain only the most promising one. ...

    Tags: CoreTracker, codon, reassignment, tracker

    2502 days ago

  • Generate interactive codon usage plots

    Generate interactive codon usage plots as used at The input file format can be generated from an Ensembl database using the script from the easy-import pipeline. live demo

    Tags: Generate, interactive, codon, usage, plots

    2258 days ago

  • %MinMax: A versatile tool for calculating and comparing synonymous codon usage and its impact on protein folding.

    %MM calculates whether a given gene sequence encodes amino acids using the most common codons possible, the least common codons possible, or (most typically) some combination of these extremes. See our PLoS ONE paper for more details on how the %MinMax algorithm works. %MinMax results are ave...

    Tags: %MinMax, tool, calculating, synonymous, codon, usage, impact, protein, folding

    2173 days ago

  • analyzing codon usage

    perl script analyzing codon usage in an input sequence to evaluate how efficiently it will be expressed in Anopheles gambiae. The input codon usage table derived from highly‐expressed A. gambiae genes is appended below.

    Tags: analyzing, codon, usage

    1641 days ago

  • CRBHits: From Conditional Reciprocal Best Hits to Codon Alignments and Ka/Ks in R

    CRBHits is a coding sequence (CDS) analysis pipeline in R (R Core Team, 2019). It reimplements the Conditional Reciprocal Best Hit (CRBH) algorithm crb-blast and covers all necessary steps from sequence similarity searches, codon alignments to Ka/Ks calculations and synteny. The new R package tar...

    Tags: CRBHits, Conditional, Reciprocal, Best, Hits, Codon, Alignments, Ka/Ks, R

    1270 days ago