Results for "concordant reads"


  • AWK for beginners !

    AWK is a standard tool on every POSIX-compliant UNIX system....# There is an implied loop and AWK automatically reads and parses each # record of...tem("echo foobar"); # => prints foobar # Reads a line from standard input an...

    1830 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for telomere to telomere assembly !

    ● Merfin – k-mer-based assembly and variant c...enerate high-quality consensus sequences from HiFi reads (Zev Kronenberg @zevkron...; tool for splice alignment of long transcriptomic reads to a genome, guided by a data...

    986 days ago

  • Protocol for De novo Genome Assembly using Illumina Reads

    In this protocol, we address and describe the de...on the sequencing system used, these "reads" range from 20 to 1000 nucleo...pairs (bp) in length. Usually, length reads of 36 - 150 bp are produced f...for infectious diseases. Raw NGS dataReads can be saved as a Fasta file...

    1198 days ago

  • Illumina based assembly pipeline steps !

    Illumina Merge re-sequenced FastQ files (cat) Read QC (FastQC) Adapter trimming (fastp) Removal of host reads (Kraken 2; optional) Variant...

    871 days ago

  • Useful Bioinformatics Analysis Tools !

    CoMeta Classificier of reads from metagenomic sequencing experiments. &bull...):22–234, DSRC Compressor of sequencing reads. •  Roguski,..., ORCOM Experimental compressor of sequencing reads. •  Grabowski...

    857 days ago

  • Common steps for reads mapping !

    Mapping reads to a reference genome is an essent...eneral steps to follow for mapping reads to a genome: Choose a re...e reference genome: Before mapping reads, the reference genome needs t...mapping rate, the number of mapped reads, and the mapping quality scor...

    417 days ago

  • Steps to find palindrome in genomes !

    Palindromes are sequences of nucleotides...h as PacBio and Oxford Nanopore, can generate long reads that can span entire palindromic regions. By mapping these reads to the genome, palindromic re...

    417 days ago