Results for "control"


  • “On” and “Off” the neuron !!!

    ...ecent innovation in neuroscience that gives researchers the ability to control the activity of neurons with...neuronal circuits, sets of interconnected neurons that are thought to control behavior and, when misfiring,...

    3656 days ago

  • Surrogate Variable Analysis (SVA)

    ...008 PNAS), (2) directly removing known batch effects using ComBat (Johnson et al. 2007 Biostatistics) and (3) removing batch effects with known control probes (Leek 2014 biorXiv)....

    3469 days ago

  • dcGOR

    ....1371/journal.pcbi.1003929). The package is distributed as part of CRAN (, and also at GitHub for version control.The dedicated website is avai...

    3459 days ago

  • deepTools

    ...formats. By doing so, deepTools allows the creation of normalized coverage files or the comparison between two files (for example, treatment and control). Finally, using such normali...

    3459 days ago