Results for "evolution of pathogens"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Svardal lab

    In the Svardal lab they are interested how the astonishing natural diversity we see on ea...nce, they are trying to understand the process of evolution, with mathematical models and...are a crucial source of information to understand evolution...

    1163 days ago

  • Katherine Belov Lab

    Evolution of the adaptive immune system Marsupial and monotreme immune genes MHC Diversity and Conservation Marsupial and monotreme genomics Comparative Genomics Genetic...

    1162 days ago

  • Cáceres Lab

    Lab are included within the Genomics, Bioinformatics and Evolution group of the UAB, and collaborate closely with other researchers in th...ntal Epidemiology (CREAL), and Tomàs Marqués-Bonet of the Institute of Evolution...

    940 days ago

  • Rotifers Lab

    For scientists in the MBL’s Gribble Lab, the rotifer (Brachionus manjavacas) is used as a model organism to study evolution, stress responses, the as well as understand basic biological and evolution...

    417 days ago