Results for "fasta"


  • UniqueKmer: Generate unique KMERs for every contig in a FASTA file

    Generate unique k-mers for every contig in a FASTA file. Unique k-mer is consisted of k-mer keys (i.e. ATCGATCCTTAAGG) that are only presented in one contig, but not presented in any other contigs (for both forward and reverse strands). This tool accepts the input of a FASTA file consisting of ...

    Tags: Unique, Kmer, Mers, Contigs, FASTA, Genome

    874 days ago

  • Download mutliple fasta file from NCBI in one GO!!

    if you have less time, then use three ways mentioned in bookmark link to extract/download all fasta sequences in single click given that you already have a list of GIs or accession IDs . Alternatively, use one liner perl script: perl -ne 'if(/^>(\S+)/){$c=$i{$1}}$c?print:chomp;$i{$_}=1 if @A...

    Tags: fasta, multiple fasta, ncbi, entrez, perl

    3914 days ago

  • MCAT: Motif Combining and Association Tool

    This is a pipeline for finding motifs in fasta files.It can be run from the command line as follows: usage: [-h] [-w W] [--nmotifs NMOTIFS] [--iter ITER] [-c C][-s S] [-d] [-ff] [-v V]positive_seq negative_seq positional arguments:positive_seq the fasta file for the po...

    Tags: pipeline, find, motifs, fasta

    1943 days ago

  • gfastats: The swiss army knife for genome assembly.

    gfastats is a single fast and exhaustive tool for summary statistics and simultaneous *fa* (fasta, fastq, gfa [.gz]) genome assembly file manipulation. gfastats also allows seamless fasta<>fastq<>gfa[.gz] conversion. It has been tested in genomes even >...

    Tags: gfastats, summary, statistics, simultaneous, fasta, fastq, gfa

    609 days ago