Results for "fish"


  • Bioinformatician kidnaped !!!

    Some fish kidnaped a bioinformatician for their genome analysis.

    Tags: Cartoon, Jokes, Fun, Humour, Fish

    3992 days ago

  • The China National Genebank Initiates Global Collaboration to Sequence Transcriptomes of 1,000 Fish Species #T1K #Transcriptomics #Fish

    Tags: T1K, Transcriptomics, Fish

    3706 days ago

  • Marine bioinformatician ;)

    A marine bioinformatician at work. Sorry jealous biotechnologist, this is how we work.

    Tags: Cartoon, Fun, Humor, Joke, Fish, Marine, Research, Computer, Profile, Work, Water, Biotechnologist, Opportunity

    3559 days ago


    F.No. 1(122)/2015-Admn. (CABin Project) Research Associate/Young Professional/SRF Zoology job vacancies in National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR) Post Name: Research Associate (Computer Science/ Applications) Qualification: Ph.D. In Computer Science/Computer Applicat...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational biology, Biology, NBFGR, Lucknow, Fish, India

    3496 days ago

  • Bioinformatics WalkIn at NBFGR #NBFGR #Lucknow #Fish #WalkIn

    Tags: NBFGR, Lucknow, Fish, WalkIn

    2657 days ago

  • Svardal lab

    In the Svardal lab they are interested how the astonishing natural diversity we see on earth came into being, by which forces it formed and how it is changing today. Hence, they are trying to understand the process of evolution, with mathematical models and through the analysis of genome sequenci...

    Tags: adaptation, genome, evolutionm pattern, Svaedal, nature, fish, cichlid

    1308 days ago