Results for "gff3"


  • Genome Browsers

    Genome Browser is the platform/database used for searching and retreiving sequences and annotation of genomes belong to various eukaryotes, prokaryotes, etc. Following are the weblink for different available browsers: http://genome....

    Tags: Genome Browser, Organism, Plant, Animal, Bacteria, fungi, Genome Sequence, DNA, Sequencing, Annotation, SNP, gff, gtf, gff3, vcf, bed

    3907 days ago

  • This script will #extract the intron feature #gff3 and sequence from gene_exon gff3 and fasta file. Extract-intron-from-gff3

    Tags: extract, gff3

    1914 days ago

  • Understanding GFF3 #GFF3 #Gene #Format #Explain

    Tags: GFF3, Gene, Format, Explain

    1509 days ago

  • Liftoff: An accurate GFF3/GTF lift over pipeline

    Liftoff is a tool that accurately maps annotations in GFF or GTF between assemblies of the same, or closely-related species. Unlike current coordinate lift-over tools which require a pre-generated “chain” file as input, Liftoff is a standalone tool that takes two genome assemblies and...

    Tags: Liftoff, accurate, GFF3, GTF, lift, pipeline

    1225 days ago